Can dog parasites infect humans- Can dog parasites infect humans-

Can parasites in dogs’ skin infect people?

Some parasites on dogs can infect people. The parasites that are most likely to infect humans are fleas, and other parasites rarely infect humans.

As long as parents take preventive measures during the raising process and maintain living hygiene, it doesn't matter much.

Oral anthelmintic drugs are generally used for internal deworming of dogs. German Bayer is recommended and should be taken according to the weight of the body. The anthelmintic may cause slight gastrointestinal reactions in dogs. This is normal and will heal on its own within 1-2 days.

For external deworming of dogs, drops such as Fulian are commonly used. After the drug is dropped into several parts, it will join the blood to effectively kill the external parasites and prevent them from being infected again.

There are parasites in dogs

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