Bellington Terrier (confirmed introduction)
The first impression given by the overall appearance of the Bedlington Terrier is that of a dog that is relatively elegant, gentle, and muscular, without any roughness or weakness. All heads are pear-shaped or wedge-shaped, with gentle and graceful expressions when placed.
Morphological characteristics
Behavior/temperament: Bold and confident. He is a smart partner with strong communication skills. Good temperament, gentle and strong nature, but not shy or nervous. He was nervous when he was sleeping, but he was full of courage when he woke up.
Head: There are a lot of buns on the head, which are almost all white.
Cranial area:
Skull: Small, yet deep and round.
Stop: Must stop: a continuous straight line from the base of the nose to the nose.
Nose: The nostrils are large and clear. Blue and tan dogs must have black noses, while liver and fawn dogs must have brown noses.
Tone: The eyes are square and full.
Lips: The lips are tightly closed, with no fluttering lips.
Mandible/Teeth: The jaw is long and gradually tapering. The teeth are long and thick. A scissors bite, where the upper teeth bite the lower teeth tightly, making the lower jaw square.
Eyes: Small, translucent and sunken. The eyes of an ideal should be in the shape of a triangle. Blue dogs have dark eyes, blue and tan dogs have brighter eyes with amber light, and liver and yellowish brown dogs have hazel eyes.
Ears: Good size, hazelnut-shaped, set low, hanging flat on either side of the cheeks. The ears are thin and covered with a layer of down. The tips of the ears are covered with soft feathers, creating a silky fringe shape.
Neck: Long, gradually tapering, without croak. Stretch forward from the shoulders, and the head can be raised high.
Body: Muscular and extremely flexible. Length is slightly greater than height.
Back: The natural upward arch above the waist.
Waist: Curved, with a crooked topline just above the waist.
Chest: Deep and reasonably broad. The ribs are flatter, reaching to the elbow.
Abdominal line: The arched waist makes the abdominal line have a certain fold.
Tail: The tail is excessively long, thick at the base, gradually tapering, and elegantly curved. The seat is short and cannot be lifted above the back.
Hands and Feet:
Forequarters: Forelegs are straight and spaced farther apart on the chest than between the paws.
Shoulders: Flat and sloping.
Pastern: Long, slightly slanted but not weak.
Hindquarters: Well muscled and of moderate length. The hind legs are longer than the front legs.
Hocks: Thick, set low, turning neither in nor out.
Claws: The paws are long rabbit feet and the claws are close together.
Gait/Movement: Can run at high speeds, and has this ability right away. The movement is very characteristic. When advancing slowly, the gait seems a bit slow and light; when running, it is slightly like a paddle.
Hair: Very characteristic. The soft and hard hairs are mixed and grow naturally from the skin, but they don't feel like wires. Hair is very easy to get tangled, especially the hair on the head and face.
Color: Blue, liver or yellowish brown, with or without tawny. There are brown patterns on the belly.
Dimensions and weight: Height at withers approximately 41 cm (16 inches). For female dogs, it is allowed to be slightly shorter, while for male dogs, it may be slightly taller. Weight ranges from 8.2 to 10.4 kilograms (18 to 23 pounds).
Faults: Any deviation from the above points shall be considered a fault, the degree of which shall be strictly proportional to its rank and its effect on the health and welfare of the dog.
Any dog that is obviously abnormal in size or behavior will be disqualified.
Note: Male dogs should be born with two obviously normal testicles that are completely placed in the scrotum.